Prominent Ear Surgery

HomeProminent Ear Surgery

Prominent Ear Surgery

Females who wear heavy earings for long time usually complain of increase in size of their ear holes. The ear lobe is cartilage free soft tissue composing only skin and fat. With the constant weight of the earings the tissue stretches and elongates the ear piercing. Some literally wait till the ear lobe is separated into two halves known as cleft ear lobes.

A simple surgery can correct the ear lobe. The cleft ear lobe is sutured directly. Patients usually need to get a new piercing but a special technique can be used to use the same site of earing. Patients are hence forth advised not to wear heavy earrings.

Contact us to give your ear a beautiful hearing!!

Dr. Karan Mehta currently practices at Mouth Jaw Face Clinic and is a Visiting Consultant at various hospitals in Borivali and Mumbai suburban area.

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