Skin tag and mole excision

HomeSkin tag and mole excision

Skin tag and mole excision

Skin tags are painless elevated skin nodules. They are attached to the skin by a thin stalk. Usually, it goes unnoticed until of sufficient size. People often try to pull them which is not advisable. Skin tags of sufficient size may bleed.

Moles are elevated pigmented nevi. A close watch is required for any changes in size, shape, and color. Fair-skinned people are at greater risk of skin cancers. Most of the time it’s a long-standing lesion with only cosmetic problems.

We offer pain-free and scarless removal of skin tags and moles. Lesion of bigger size may leave an esthetic scar.

Dr. Karan Mehta currently practices at Mouth Jaw Face Clinic and is a Visiting Consultant at various hospitals in Borivali and Mumbai suburban area.

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