Tongue Tie Release

HomeTongue Tie Release

Tongue Tie Release

A frenum is a small band of muscle inside the mouth that attaches our lip muscles or tongue to the bone. The number and position of its attachment on gums may vary. When its attachment is very low or near to teeth, it hinders the movement of the lip and tongue. Few newborn babies have such frenum near the tongue which hinders their speech.

In such cases, it is called Tongue-tie. In adults, it is usually seen near front teeth causing space between the teeth. Rarely even elderly individuals may also have it which hinders artificial teeth (denture) placement.

Frenectomy is a small procedure to release the muscle of its attachment and allow free movement of tongue and lip. It is a routine clinical procedure that may or may not require stitches for faster healing.

Kindly call or email for queries and make an appointment for a consultation.

Dr. Karan Mehta currently practices at Mouth Jaw Face Clinic and is a Visiting Consultant at various hospitals in Borivali and Mumbai suburban area.

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